Friday, March 5, 2021

Introduction and Motivation

 I've come to realize that although I have no abiding, let alone compelling, interest to appear on TV etc, I do have strong views on a number of issues which I wish to communicate publicly.  Equally, as a retired General Officer, I am often aware of the criticism that comes from "not being on the record" which too often is misconstrued as a reluctance to stand up and be counted etc. (more on this going in a future blog) 

As a result of my service I have maintained an interest in participating in the debate of not just what should be done in and for Canada but what options should be considered to achieve those objectives.

The final motivation for this blog is an appreciation that the reality that although Twitter (my chosen SM platform) is great at many things (and concurrently horrible) it is not always the best place to communicate ideas and positions that are complex.  I'm an adherent to the idea that simple solutions to complex issues are simply wrong !!

So I'm starting a Blog !! 

My focus will be on issues associated with National Security, Strategy, the Military writ large and the Canadian Armed Forces specifically, as well as correlated issues such as culture most specifically racism, misogyny, religious persecution and all other societal constructs that impact on the safety, security and stability of Civil Society.

I hope that this Blog serves as a way to crowd-source feedback and learn from different perspectives.

Should anyone have an interest in commenting, which I would be very keen to read, I would merely say that expect as good as you get but that I have zero tolerance for opinions that are derogatory. It is not that I am fussed by such language etc (I am after all a soldier at heart). Rather I think they do nothing to add to thoughtful discussion and to the contrary show a poorly developed thought process and are likely derived from someone who has neither the interest let alone the intellectual capacity to engage in the exchange of ideas and thoughts that are considered and respectful of others.   

Lastly the formatting and posting of these Blogs will be a bit of a journey of discovery as I learn how best to communicate and present my musings. Be patient with me on this, I will get better. 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following this blog. Regarding your guidance on commentary, just wondering where you sit with sarcasm. Is that allowed? Asking for a friend.


Clairvoyance prior to the DPU

  One Day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go...